Tuesday, 26 May 2015

A New Start

Wow, it's been a long time.
I know, I disappeared for a few months. 
But guess what.... I started a new blog! That's right. Although I haven't been posting on this blog, I've still been writing, just posting things somewhere different.
I didn't have this blog for long because it was very hard to maintain due to lack of inspiration. I knew from the start that an advice blog would be very hard, especially when asking you guys to give me things to write about. It was a risk, and it didn't work, but at least I tried.
My new blog is basically an online diary for me. I write about things I want to achieve in life, things that can motivate me and others, and any exciting experiences I may have. Instead of relying on other people to give me post ideas, I use my own. It's easier to run because I worry less about having no things to write about.
If you'd like to check it out go HERE. I post every Monday, so be sure to follow me on bloglovin (link at bottom of all my posts) so you don't miss new posts.
Thank you all, Goodbye.