Thursday, 1 January 2015

Welcome to my blog!

Hello! I've wanted to start a blog for such a long time but I've never quite known what kind of blog to make. Finally, with the help of one of my very close friends Gemma, I've decided to create an advice blog. I was torn between beauty and advice but I realised that although I love beauty, I love helping people out more. I know I won't be able to help with everything (I'm not superwoman) but if I can help any of you a tiny bit, I think this blog will be worth it.
With it being the start of a new year I thought that right now would be a great time to start my blog. There's no point delaying it any more, is there?
I'm going to be posting every Monday (Hopefully, anyway. I'm quite bad at keeping to schedules) so I'll see you next week!
Jasmine x  


  1. Could you maybe post advice on how to have more self confidence in the future? :)
    Looking forward to more posts <3

  2. this looks like a great blog, can't wait for you to start posting! xx

    1. Thank you! I already have a post up if you want to read it x

  3. ilysm Jas, can't wait for more posts x

  4. Cant wait for you to post more maybe you could check out my blog too

  5. Can't wait for you to post more!
    Could you maybe follow me too? I just started and would love some blogger friends!

  6. Good genre for your blog, I know where to come when I need advice from now on ;)

    Meme xx

  7. I would considered doing an ask Jasmine string of posts! Have people get access to your email account to send you their questions, and you can have some sort of an advise column! I hope this helps :)


    1. Good idea! I really appreciate the help :)

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