Monday, 19 January 2015

Infinity Dreams Award // FAQ

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I'm so glad I've been nominated for this! When starting my blog a couple of weeks back I didn't imagine I'd get nominated for something, let alone in such a short space of time. This may not seem that exciting but I really appreciate someone knowing about my blog.
So, thank you for the nomination
Lets get started!
1. Thank and Follow the blog that nominated you
2. Tell us 11 facts about you
3. Answer the questions that were set up for you
4. Nominate 11 and make your questions for them
11 facts about me
1. My name is Jasmine (if you didn't already know)
2. I've never been abroad
3. I have 3-5 cups of tea a day (whoops)
4. I've never watched Harry Potter
5. I really enjoy photography
6. I've been playing guitar for just over a year
7. My favourite season is autumn
8. I live in England
9. I want a lip piecing when I'm older
10. I love so many quotes but my favourite is probably "Live for the moment because everything else is uncertain"
11. 'Snow fairy' from lush is my favourite scent
My questions
What made you start a blog?
I had been wanting to start one for a long time because I just thought it would be fun. Then because it was a new year I finally decided I'd make one for 2015!
Who do you look up to?
Everyone's probably expecting me to look up to a celebrity and yes, there are some that inspire me. But, I mainly look up to 2 of my close friends, Ellie and Gemma. They're amazing people who have gone through a lot and I look up to them for all the great things they've accomplished and managed to get through.
What are you afraid of?
I have fear of house fires, being outside alone when it's dark, insects. I have many small fears like that, but there's one that scares me the most. Death. I know, that's a bit deep, but it's a huge fear of mine. The fact that one day we won't be here. We won't be able to see our family and friends, go to the shop, walk around and live. Everything will just be gone and I hate that thought. I hate thinking about what will happen when we die and I get all panicky when I think about it; I'm shaking and almost crying whilst writing this.
What's your favourite item you own?
 My guitar. I love it so much.
What's your favourite song?
I can never choose a favourite song. I love a lot and there's so many to choose from.
Have you got a hobby?
My blog and as I've mentioned many times, playing guitar.
What would be your perfect day?
There are so many things I want to do, people I want to meet. All those things would make perfect days and I don't think I could choose between them and have just one day
 for it all to happen.
How did you meet your first friend?
Her name was Emily and our families were friends so I knew from when I was born.
Beach or snow?
Kindle or book?
Book. Even though I'm in love with technology nothing beats a good ol' book
If you could go back in time, where and what would you do?
I think I'd go back to my childhood and learn to appreciate being young again. As you get older there's so much more stress and I wish I'd never wanted to grow up so much. It's not
as exciting as I thought it would be.
My nominations
My questions for you
1. What is your favourite film?
2. If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?
3. When did you start your blog?
4. What's your lucky number?
5. If you could meet anyone (dead or alive) who would it be?
6. Summer or winter?
7. Who's your inspiration?
8. Do you have any pets and if so, what do you have?
9. If there was a movie made about your life, who would you want to play you?
10. Who's your favourite Disney princess?
11. Sweet or savoury?
I loved writing this!
Leave a comment and follow me!
If you need advice on something you can email me / comment that too.
I'll see you in a week.
Jasmine x


  1. Thank you so much for nominating me! I can't wait to answer the questions x

  2. thank you for the nomination x

  3. wow very inspiring blog! :) I really love what you do! I'm a fan! :) Keep up the great work.

  4. Well done Jas that was great! Death is my worst fear too, I want to live forever!
    It actually gets to the point where I start crying If I think about it that much.

    Meme xx

    1. thank you! I hate the thought of it and I make it worse by overthinking it. x

  5. Hi Jasmine pleaseee check out my blog I absolutely love yours! xx

  6. Thanks for nominating me! That's so sweet of you! I enjoyed reading your answers and I like the questions you came up with. I look forward to answering them. Have a lovely day! xx

    1. you're welcome. Can't wait to see your post!x

  7. What a great tag - I can never chose a fave song either, it's so hard cos there's just so many good ones out there!

    The Velvet Black // UK Style, Beauty Blog

  8. This is a really nice post, I was also nominated by MeMe, I really enjoyed readin your post :)
